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By the Western Wall


Shemot 5785
Vayechi 5785
Vayigash - 5785
Mikketz 5785
Vayeshev 5785
Vayishlach 5785
Vayeitzei 5785
Informal Livestream and Project Announcement
Chayei Sarah - 5785
Toldot 5785
Vayeira 5785
Lech Lecha 5785
Noah  5785
Bereshit 5785
Shimini Atzeret/ Simchat Torah 5785
Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah 5785
Shabbat of Sukkot - 5785
Sukkot, Day 1 - 5785
Yom Kippur 5785
Haazinu 5785
Rosh Hashanah 5785
Nitzavim/Vayelech 5784
Ki Tavo 5784 - Simcha v'Sasson
Ki Teitzei 5784
Shoftim 5784
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