Shalom and welcome to the Ladder of Jacob.
This website is dedicated to exploring the person of Yeshua of Nazareth through the various levels of PaRDeS.
My name is Ben Burton and I became a believer in Yeshua in 1998, an event that changed the course of my life. I am part of a Messianic community named Beit HaDerekh in West Texas.

I am not a Rabbi. I am not Jewish. I do not claim to be an authority on anything. In the capacity of this website, I do not wish to lay claim to the title of a “teacher,” but only a “student.” The pages of this website should be read as studies, not teachings. I am constantly learning and growing. My focus here is on the deeper levels of the Torah and the Gospels. Every action of the Mashiach in the Gospels has incredible and deep ramifications as you will discover as you explore this site.
May HaShem bless you as you go deeper, and ascend higher in Him.